Home Paleo diet Join our final paleo challenge of 2011

Join our final paleo challenge of 2011

  • Join the last paleo challenge for 2011, anyone can join in – not just Kiwis (New Zealanders)

If you’ve been thinking about cleaning up your diet or even trying the paleo diet – here is an opportunity for you to do so before Christmas. Is it nuts to consider this in the party season? Maybe, but if you can do a Paleo Challenge at least 80% of the time, would this be an improvement on what you are already doing? Will it stop the usual weight gain that might happen at this time of year?

Don’t wait until the New Year to make a commitment to improve your health or lose weight. Start NOW

The official start is this weekend – that gives you exactly 4 weeks to Christmas and 4 weeks to change your health for the better, and maybe lose a few pesky inches before the bikini weather hits.

What is possible?

I’ve posted previously about the remarkable health and body composition changes that clients achieved in just 30 – 40 days of paleo eating. Here is a run down of typical results: (Also check this link for real stories from other paleo challenges.)

  • Fat loss – especially those struggling with stubborn fat
  • Blood pressure reduction
  • Increased energy
  • Menstrual / women’s issues – reduce or disappear (PMS, Menstrual cramps, PCOS, menopausal symptoms)
  • Cholesterol profile improves
  • Carbohydrate and sugar cravings disappear
  • Better appetite control
  • Sleep quality improves
  • Better mental focus
  • No more indigestion
  • Skin issues like rosacea, eczema and psoriasis improve
  • Joint inflammation greatly reduced
  • Bloating, constipation and other gut issues resolve
  • Auto-immune issues, most get a reduction in symptoms

Do you want to join the challenge? You can do so – completely free. However if you would like unlimited email (or phone support if you live in NZ) I’m charging just $90.00 for 4 weeks.

How do I start?

Here are the basics of the challenge with links through to the appropriate information:

First: Read about the way our diet and lifestyle today differs radically from the one that best suits our genes, there are 10 major areas and the challenge sets out to rectify each one. The Challenge outline and rules.

[You could buy a book: I have copies of The Paleolithic Solution by Robb Wolf available for purchase (New Zealand). I also have a simple PDF guide, with a focus on NZ food. Just $19.00 (Contact me for this, first edition available late Friday)]

Second: Fill in the health questionnaire and take your measurements. You can get optional blood tests too.

Third: Prepare. Clean your cupboards, and restock. Plan your exercise. Fix your sleep environment for success.

The food list: What to eat, what not to eat

What to eat if you have an auto-immune disease

Basic supplements to take: I recommend:

  • Multivitamin (iron free for males and post menopausal females).
  • Omega 3 fish oil 1000mg per day or oily fish – 400 grams or more per week
  • Magnesium: Chelate or Malate.
  • Vitamin D: Sunshine 10 minutes most days on your skin. Vitamin D 1000iu per day. (See this post: You’ll need more in the winter or if your Vit D levels are low)

I’ve put a little package together of products I like, again only available for Kiwis – check here: Zone Shop supplement package

(Please note: any products you purchase from me gives me more time to spend writing useful posts of free info!)

Exercise, sleep, sun and stress.

Daily checklist to keep you on track

If you wish to do the paleo diet fully supported by me – i.e. you email me or call me anytime you want over the next 4 weeks, you can for just a small $90.00.

You will be filling in the checklist and sending it to me every week. I’ll give you feedback and tips.

Email me if you wish to have this support. juliannetaylor (at) xtra (dot) co (dot) nz



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