Just a quick post to let you know about a couple of interviews with me you can tune into:

You can hear me talk more about Paleo eating on the radio. This week I was invited by the New Zealand Labour MP (Member of Parliament) for Mt Albert, David Shearer to talk on his radio show about the paleo diet and ancestral lifestyle and nutrition. David is a great host – I share how several aspects of the today’s typical diet doom us to ill health.
You can listen to it live on 104.6fm or here The David Shearer Show, Planet fm, Thursday’s 9.05 am. If you miss it – check the archive: http://www.planetaudio.org.nz/juliannetaylorthepaleolithicdiet/archive
I also had thoroughly enjoyable chat to Jimmy Moore recently, the podcast is scheduled for the 8th December. Livin ‘La Vida Low-Carb Show.
If you had more time, you could really scare David with the whole issue of saturated fat đŸ™‚
Yes saturated fat, and sunbathing need to be addressed still! Oh and sleep, again – as in getting more of it.