In 2009 I had a client who got physically sick, i.e. vomited and diarrhea whenever she ate red meat. This had not always been the case -she ate eat red meat without issue up until about 2 years previously. She could eat poultry or fish without a problem. She had recently switched to an almost vegetarian diet, however she also had mild IBS symptoms, and wanted to eat red meat again, and try a paleo diet.
I wondered what might have bought on this allergy, so googled “red meat allergy“ and came across an interesting article in the Australian News “One tick red meat can do without” describing a growing number of people have an allergic reaction to red meat as a result of an earlier tick bite. My client had recently shifted from Australia so I asked her if she’d had tick bites and a reaction to them. YES! She lived in an area infested with ticks, and she’d been bitten a number of times and reacted. Her reaction to red meat was on the lower end of the scale – vomiting and diarrhea, however some people get hives and even full-blown anaphylaxis, when they develop this allergy. Anaphylaxis is an extreme immune system response that can cause breathing difficulties, sudden drop in blood pressure, unconsciousness heart failure and even death.

There were at the time number of theories as to why a tick bite triggers an IgE immune reaction to red meat. Cross reactivity was suggested, where a person reacts to something in the tick bite – the saliva for example and then reacts to the same substance in another product or food. So every time the same substance is presented to the body – a person reacts to it as if to a foreign substance.
Researchers currently think that the tick bite causes production of an antibody to a carbohydrate called galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal), present in the saliva of ticks which also happens to be present on red meat.

This explanation from Australian information on tick bite allergy:
Tick Bites and Red Meat Allergy
Australian allergic diseases physicians have recently described an association between tick bites and the development of red meat allergy (references 8, 10-12), which sparked interest from US researchers (reference 9). They have subsequently identified the part of the red meat allergen giving rise to the allergic reactions, galactose alpha-1,3-galactose. These allergic reactions to red meat typically occur in individuals who have had local allergic reactions to ticks. Within six months or so they develop anaphylaxis to red meat which almost invariably occurs several hours after the eating of the red meat. Rarely, these red meat allergic reactions, as with anaphylaxis in general, may be profound due to the co-existence of an increased number of mast cells (mastocytosis).
8. Pearce RL, Grove DI. Tick infestation in soldiers who were bivouacked in the Perth region. Med J Aust. 1987 Mar 2;146(5):238-40.
9. van Nunen S, O’Connor KS, Fernando RL, Clarke LR and Boyle RX. The Association Between Ixodes holocyclus Tick Bite Reactions and Red Meat Allergy. Internal Medicine Journal 2007; 39(Suppl 5): A132.
10. Commins S, Satinover S, Hosen J, Mozena J, Borish L, lewis B, Woodfolk J, Platts-Mills T. delayed anaphylaxis, angioedema or urticaria after consumption of red meat in patients with IgE antibodies specific for galactose- alpha-1,3-galactose. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2009; Vol 123, Issue 2, 426-433.
11. van Nunen SA, O’Connor KS, Clarke LR, Boyle RX and Fernando SL. An association between tick bite reactions and red meat allergy in humans. Med J Aust 2009; 190(9): 510-511.
12. van Nunen SA, Zaininger A, Clarke LR and Fernando SL. Systemic Mastocytosis and Severe Anaphylaxis provoked by an IgE-Mediated Reaction to a Food. 2009 XXVIII Congress EAACI abstract #1554b.
13. van Nunen S, Clarke L, Coyle L, Stevenson W and Fernando S. Severe Anaphylaxis Provoked by IgE-Mediated Reactions to Food (Red Meat) in Two Patients with Systemic Mastocytosis. Internal Medicine Journal 2009; (Suppl 5): A145.
At the time there was no test to confirm that this was the cause of my client’s red meat allergy. However it seemed the most likely explanation. She switched to red meat free paleo diet, and her IBS symptoms disappeared. After some time she tried a little red meat, and found she could tolerate it without symptoms. (Perhaps her previous inflamed, possibly leaky gut aggravated the situation by allowing these alpha-gal carbohydrates into the bloodstream where the body reacts to them?)
Can you test to find out if you react to galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose?
Yes – tests are now available. This recent article explains:
Tick Bites can cause delayed, IgE-based Allergic Reaction to Certain Meats
New Alpha-Gal IgE assay is the first to specifically detect antibodies associated with a delayed onset allergic reaction to beef, pork, and lamb, the development of which has been linked to tick bites
Kansas City, MO – September 13, 2010 — Viracor-IBT Laboratories announced the launch of the first commercially available assay to detect IgE antibodies against galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (Alpha- Gal). The Alpha-Gal IgE assay will assist clinicians in the identification of a recently discovered type of delayed, IgE-based, allergic reaction following the ingestion of certain meats.
Alpha-Gal is a carbohydrate (sugar) found in the meat of non-primate mammals, cow’s milk and dog and cat dander. Persons who are Alpha-Gal IgE positive have previously been sensitized to Alpha-Gal after being bitten by certain types of tick; cases have been concentrated predominantly in the Southeast United States and parts of Australia.
Other than the allergic reaction being delayed-onset, the symptoms of Alpha-Gal allergy are similar to those of other food allergies and can result in hives, swelling, intestinal irritation, and anaphylaxis—a life-threatening medical condition.
“Alpha-Gal presents a real paradigm shift in allergy thinking and testing. The traditional view is that people become sensitized to foods during childhood and subsequent exposure to that particular food results in an immediate allergic reaction,” said Dr. John F. Halsey, Scientific Advisor to Viracor-IBT Laboratories. “The delayed onset of the IgE-based allergic reaction to Alpha-Gal makes it more difficult to determine a linkage between the offending food and the allergic reaction. Standard food allergy tests are not sensitive enough to detect IgE against Alpha-Gal, which represents only a small fraction of the allergen preparation used in the standard assay. In the ViraCor-IBT Alpha-Gal IgE assay launched today, the allergen is pure Alpha-Gal, resulting in a greatly enhanced sensitivity.”
Although it has been difficult to estimate the prevalence of allergic sensitization to Alpha-Gal, recent studies by Thomas Platts-Mills, MD, PhD and Scott Commins, MD, PhD (who in conjunction first described the IgE-based delayed allergic reaction) have shown that Alpha-Gal allergies are more common that initially believed.
The team screened samples from 60 patients with suspected food allergies that could not be directly linked to a specific food source. Eighty percent (80%) of these patients had been recently bitten by a tick, with IgE antibodies to Alpha-Gal present in over 40% of samples.
“Viracor-IBT is pleased to add the galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (Alpha-Gal) IgE assay to our extensive allergy and immunology menu,” said Steve Kleiboeker, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer of Viracor-IBT Laboratories. “Although tests that measure IgE levels to meats have been around for 30 years, this test is the first available commercial assay that is both highly specific and sensitive for IgE to the Alpha-Gal carbohydrate allergen present in certain meats. The Alpha-Gal IgE assay offers a new level of information that can provide physicians a more comprehensive picture of their patient’s condition and allergic risk profile.”
Patient results for the galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (Alpha-Gal) IgE assay are provided within two business days of receipt of sample by the laboratory.
Viracor-IBT Laboratories Launches the First Assay to Identify a New Type of Delayed, IgE-based Allergic Reaction to Certain Meats, September 13, 2010, PRWEB
Chung CH, Mirakhur B, Chan E, et al. Cetuximab-induced anaphylaxis and IgE specific for galactose-±-1,3-galactose. New Engl J Med. 2008;358:1109-1117.
Commins SP, Satinover SM, Hosen J, et al. Delayed anaphylaxis, angioedema, or urticaria after consumption of red meat in patients with IgE antibodies specific for galactose-±-1,3-galactose. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009;123(2):426-433.
Commins SP and Platts-Mills TA. Anaphylaxis syndromes related to a new mammalian cross-reactive carbohydrate determinant. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009;124(4): 652-657.
Van Nunen S A, O’Connor, KS, Clarke LR, Boyle RX, Fernando SI. An association between tick bite reactions and red meat allergy in humans. Med J Aust. 2009;190:510-511.
More easy to read articles on the topic:
Tick Bites can cause delayed, IgE-based Allergic Reaction to Certain Meats
Things learned as an intern: Tick bites can cause meat allergies
MEDICAL MYSTERIES: Man’s Sudden Food Allergy Was a Medical Mystery for Months
Allergic Living “Profile: Author John Grisham’s Allergy Mystery”
Clinical Study: The relevance of tick bites to the production of IgE antibodies to the mammalian oligosaccharide galactose-α-1,3-galactose
July 2012 -Recent Paper A Peculiar Cause of Anaphylaxis: No More steak?
Science Magazine, November 2012 Ticked Off About a Growing Allergy to Meat
That’s terrifying! I live in an area with high prevalence of ticks (deer and dog). My usual concerns are Lyme Disease and other infectious diseases, but an allergy to meat? Truly a terrifying prospect!
It is – If I hadn’t met this client, I never would have imagined that it was possible to get a red meat allergy from tick bites.
Luckily for us we don’t have these ticks in New Zealand
Is there any connection between alpha gal and renal problems?
I dont know I’m sorry
Alpha-gal allergy should not affect renal but what will affect you is your diet. If you have AG-allergy please read the reply below. You need to go back to basic in everything you put in or on your body. Some people with AG allergy can have dairy product, others can’t. Some need a much stricter diet to maintain their sense of well being.
If you eliminate red meat/mammalian product from you diet (you can eat poultry and fish/seafood), and still do not feel well you need to search your diet until you find the culprit that is causing the trigger. It can be something like lip balm which contains gelatine or lanolin (from sheep grease) see my post below.
I was diagnosed with alpha-gal allergy in Sydney in 2010. I have had two life threatening anaphylaxis reactions after eating red meat.
There is a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/alphagal/
This has around 500 members all of whom have alpha-gal some of the members have had the allergy for 30 years so they have stacks of recipes to share, and are very wise about how to live with our bizarre allergy.
Thank you for your response and facebook site. I’m sorry to hear that you have this, too. I have gone to lactose free dairy and have done well with that.
Any tick can give people alpha-gal allergy (AG). But some ticks are not as aggressive at seeking a host as the American Lone Star tick or the Australian paralysis tick (mainly east coast Australia).
Getting back to basics such as a paleo diet (minus any mammalian product). People with alpha-gal allergy can eat poultry and fish. But many people with AG allergy will feel ill until they eliminate mammalian product / biproduct from their diet and sometimes these are not obvious as there are mammalian biproducts in many tinned/supermarket foods – glycerin, lard, for example, also lard (tallow), can be found in the formulation of many common daily used products: soap, lotion, deodorant, toothpaste, mouthwash, body spray, the lip balm or cosmetics/perfume that you use, laundry soap, fabric softeners, medicines, lollies.
Getting back to basics with diet is very important.
I live in Sydney Australia and have alpha-gal allergy – diagnosed in 2010. I have had two life threatening anaphylaxis reactions after eating red meat.
There is a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/alphagal/
This has around 500 members all of whom have alpha-gal. There is a mine of information, or you can ask questions. There are recipes for meat substitutes right through to emu meat.
as of today we have 1422 members from all over the world. That’s pretty scary. The CDC is not following it either because they say it’s not contagious. I got this from a tick!
So it’s been a year since I last posted and you can add 1000 more people to our Facebook page. The CDC is still NOT following this and there energy is on the Zika Virus. Funny how something that was discovered in the 1940s wasn’t important then but is now, maybe Alpha-Gal will have the same fate.
Julianne, sorry to say we do have a member in our group from New Zealand with Alpha-Gal, the ticks are different species from region to region. https://www.facebook.com/groups/alphagal/. This allergy has been quite an interesting one. It’s very sad that no one is really following this from the CDC.
It is highly unlikely that anyone in NZ would be on your list because we don’t have ticks here. The woman I talked about has since moved back to Australia.
Yes it is Victoria. In the last year I’ve also had to change my toothpaste and deodorant. If you have this you have to be careful of what you put in and on your body and some have to be cautious with fumes.
Never say never, http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/8635546/Tick-bite-leaves-woman-with-rare-disease
True – however she got the tick bite in Australia, not NZ
Well done! I have this too. It is awful and so scary! I get shots for cat allergies, I react badly to the shots. I do not have the typical eyes and nose trouble just hives. I am going to have my Dr. discontinue them because I feel it is Alpha-Gal related. I started a facebook page, Alpha-Gal to bring all of us together. You are more than welcome to come along and join us (small group so far).
Keep up the good work!
I was diagnosed with alpha gal about 8-10 months ago. I’ve had 2 anaphylactic shock episodes. I carry an epi-pen, Benadryl, and prednisone. I would be very interested in your Facebook page. This article suggests milk, dog and cat dander. I had only heard of beef, pork, and lamb. I’m looking for alternate sources of protein – I love chicken and fish but how about rabbit, deer. I’m bumed about milk, there goes milk, cheese and ice cream. Is it all mammals, hoofed animals.
I live in Sydney Australia and have alpha-gal allergy – diagnosed in 2010.
There is a Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/groups/alphagal/
This has around 500 members all of whom have alpha-gal. There is a mine of information, or you can ask questions. There are recipes for meat substitutes right through to emu meat.
I am afraid I have this problem. I grew up eating red meat, but now I can eat it anymore. Tree hours after eating it, the allergic reaction starts. It has gotten worse over time because it took me a while before I realized that was the meat. I developed this after moving to the US.
Do you know where I can get tested for this? Last time I mentioned this to my doctor, she wasn’t aware of that. I live in Florida.
I live in Sydney Australia and have alpha-gal allergy – diagnosed in 2010.
There is an international Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/alphagal/
This has around 500 members all of whom have alpha-gal. Many live in Florida – Virginia, some in Europe and other countries. There is a mine of information, or you can ask questions. There are recipes for meat substitutes right through to emu meat.
I have this allergy too. It’s been 7 years or so. You can contact Dr. Scott Commins at UVA about getting a blood test done. Just have a sample drawn and have the lab send it to UVA. You need to be careful because as you drop mammalian meat from your diet you can become very sensitive to dairy as well (cuz it comes from a mammal. I get hives from cheese now). Always keep Benadryl or an Epi Pen with you. Children’s liquid Benadryl seems to be very effective for me in cases where I need immediate relief. Hope this helps…it’s a sucky thing to have. I’m going to check out the Facebook page for Alpha Gal.
Thanks Rachel
I have alpha-gal allergy – diagnosed in 2010.
Check out https://www.facebook.com/groups/alphagal/
This group has around 500 members all of whom have alpha-gal. There is a mine of information, or you can ask questions. There are recipes for meat substitutes right through to emu meat.
I also have this allergy and have developed a severe allergy to wheat, dairy and dog dander (I have to believe the last few are related). I have had great success after getting the blood test to confirm it from IBT allergies to working with KC allergy asthma and allergy. I’ve also sent notes to Dr. Commins.
Has anyone had this while pregnant? I now have a 3 month old and am very curious if our little one will acquire my allergy. I’ll be very careful in introducing wheat, dariy and mammalian products into his diet – but looking for some case studies.
I’ve been allergic to beef since 2004 when the gastroenterologist thought I was going to die and just told my husband to take me home and make me comfortable. He couldn’t explain my issues (test after test came back negative) – I had lost 76 pounds that year – my allergy was the same as the lady in the story. My husband and I happened to be watching an episode of House (go figure) and he mentioned a beef allergy. I hadn’t eaten in a week because everytime I ate anything I threw up and spent the evening sitting on the pot with a bucket in my lap. I have been completely beef product free since January 2005 – and I had a baby in 2006. She is not allergic to beef to answer your question. For years I have felt alone – as no one knew anything about my allergy and when I went back to see the Dr. and told him my suspicions, he said there was no such thing and this was all in my head! Everytime I eat something even on the same grill or plate I know it at least 5 hours later – I get so sick! Thank you for starting this forum – I no longer feel alone!!
Thanks for sharing your story. What a relief to have found the answer.
I live in Northern NSW Australia and have aquired a red meat allergy since moving here. I have done as much of my own research as possible and believe it to be alpha-gal related, as I grew up eating meat regularly and since the first tick bite I have had red meat allergies. All I wish for is a lamb roast 🙁
That sucks! I’d hate to be missing out on lamb. Let me know if you find a solution.
Hi Hugh,
I live in Sydney Australia and have alpha-gal allergy – diagnosed in 2010.
There is a Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/groups/alphagal/
This has around 500 members all of whom have alpha-gal. Two people who are members of the group live northern NSW and one in Qld. There is a mine of information, or you can ask questions. There are recipes for meat substitutes right through to emu meat (and where you can buy farmed emu meat).
Yes I have this same reaction. If one gets a positive test what can be done?
Sorry – I don’t really know!
My client went on a paleo diet – which helps heal leaky gut – after that she was less reactive to red meat
I live in Sydney Australia and have alpha-gal allergy – diagnosed in 2010.
There is no cure — yet — we all hope one day there may be a breakthrough.
The tick ‘venom’ actually changes our bodies to make us allergic to the sugars/carbohydrates in red meat/mammalian meat and bi products such as gelatine and lanolin. Some people with Alpha-gal allergy are allergic to milk, lactose and why but others aren’t.
There is a Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/groups/alphagal/
This has around 500 members all of whom have alpha-gal. There is a mine of information, or you can ask questions. There are recipes for meat substitutes right through to emu meat.
I developed this allergy 30 years ago when about 20 years old. I grew up on a farm, eating home raised beef. I am from and still live in north east Georgia. I also had a bout with increased sensitivity to dairy products 3 years ago however that has since subsided. Is there any hope for desensitization to this allergy?
I really dont know – my suggestion would be to try a paleo diet which is low in gut irritating foods. If the gut is leaky – proteins go into the blood stream, and you react to them. If your gut is healthy they are less likely to do that.
My son has many allergies and I am pretty sure he has a red meat allergy as he always says his mouth is tingly and can sometimes have welts around his mouth. we live in NZ and have not lived any where else. What would cause him to have this?
Hi Lisa,
Not all red meat allergy is caused by tick bites. Dr Rodney Ford may be helpful http://www.thechildrensclinic.co.nz/
To Julianne’s point not all beef allergies are related to alpha-gal. In fact alpha-gal is not a typical protein allergy but an allergy to the carbohydrate in all non-primate mammals. This means depending on the severity of our allergy (I have this,) there are other things we cannot consume or be near – for example I am also life-threateningly allergy to dairy as well. There are many in Australia also with this allergy – could it be that as close in proximity that you are the same tick is a possibiity in his case? The tick differs based off region — it is a different tick causing the same issue in the U.S., U,K/Europe and Australia. I can ask on our group if there are others in NZ for ideas – in addition to the advice Julianne already offered.
Good luck – allergies whatever the cause are life changing – but once you get a handle on what the cause is and the true allergens it WILL get better!
Thanks for the information. I have had is blood test done and now just waiting results. He has an intolerance to dairy but not too bad. It causes him eczema. I’ll let you know how we get on.