Sally Fallon Morell, the Author of Nourishing Traditions, is visiting New Zealand and speaking in many centres around the country, as well as talking to Kim Hill on National radio this Saturday 24th March. Not to be missed!
I’ve taken this from
Nourishing Traditional Diets
The Key to Vibrant Health
Visiting New Zealand for the first time in 5 years, from her home in Washington DC, Sally will speak about:
The pioneering work of Dr. Weston A. Price
- Healing properties of traditional soups and stock
- Curative value of enzyme-rich and lacto-fermented foods
- Safety and health-giving benefits of raw whole milk
- Health-promoting benefits of saturated fats
- Dangers of modern vegetable oils
- Dangers of modern soy foods
- Myths and truths about real whole foods
- Practical steps to shift you and your family’s diet for the better
- and more crucial info for anyone on a healing path through nutrition
Sally is the founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and is the author of the best selling cookbook, Nourishing Traditions.
Yes, The truth is out there – right here in this book. We’ve had this book for many years, use it constantly, and are healthier for that reason. I highly recommend it, especially for those who wish to improve your families health. (Recent review of Nourishing Traditions on Amazon)
Kim Hill, Radio New Zealand
will be interviewing Sally on Saturday morning, 24th March, at 11.05 am.
Sally will be accompanied by her husband, New Zealand born naturopath Geoffrey Morell.
In a separate presentation, Mr Morell will be teaching his unique healing method,
the Clendinning technique. Click here for more information.
Tickets can be purchased to see just Geoffrey, just Sally or both
Link here to see the chart below in the WAP NZ website and to book tickets
Location | Date & times | Tickets available from | For more info, contact: |
Invercargill Invercargill Workingmens Club, 154 Esk St | Sunday, 25 MarchGeoffrey: 1 to 2.30 pmSally: 3 to 6pm (doors open 2.30) | Invercargill: Holistic Health, Kelvin St Gore: Natural Health 2000 Balclutha: to come Queenstown: to come | Sherry phone: 03 213 1156 |
Christchurch Rudolf Steiner School Auditorium, 19 Ombersley Terrace | Tuesday, 27 March Geoffrey: 4.30 to 6 pm Sally: 6.30 to 9.30 pm (doors open 6pm) | Tickets and more info:Sharon | |
Wellington St Pats College, Evans Bay Parade, Kilbirnie | Thursday, 29 March Geoffrey: 4.30 to 6 pm Sally: 6.30 to 9.30 pm (doors open 6pm) | Bookings now open at or ph 0508 484 2538 Small booking fee applies | Deb Gully & Ian |
Auckland St Cuthbert’s College, 122 Market Road, Epsom | Sunday, 1 April Geoffrey: 11am to 12.30 pm Sally: 1 to 4pm | Bookings open now at or ph 0508 484 2538 Small booking fee applies
| Caroline Marshall |
Havelock North Havelock North Community Centre, 30 Te Mata Road | Monday, 2 April Geoffrey: 6 to 7.15pm Sally: 7:30- 9:30 with 1/2 an hour for questions | Door sales only Sally $25 Geoffrey $15 | Kay Baxter |
Hastings Te Aranga marae, 18 Boston Cres | Tuesday, 3 April Daytime event Both Sally and Geoffrey will speak, with plenty of question and answer time. There will be a lunch on the marae. Details of the program will be announced early next week. | Koha | Kay Baxter |
Hamilton Clarence Street Theatre, Clarence St | Wednesday, 4 April Geoffrey: 4.30 to 6pm Sally: 6:30 to 9:30pm | Tickets onsale now at | Deborah |
Details will differ from venue to venue, but will typically include:
WAPF membership table
Information about your local chapter
Where to find good food in your area
WAPF-friendly practitioners table
Sales of Nourishing Traditions and other books or resources
Sales of WAPF-friendly foods
Free samples of WAPF-friendly foods
Tea & coffee
WAPF membership by credit card only, everything else cash or cheque
If you have anything to contribute to the above stalls, please contact your local chapter on the emails above.
I’m so pleased WAPF are coming over to our side of the world! I’m booked and very much looking forward to the Auckland talks!
Same- I’ll be at the Auckland talk.
I’ll put a link up in my next post to the Australian Paleo weekend you are organising
Here it is in the meantime
Looked for her on Kim Hill’s program list for the 24th.
Not there?
I can’t see it either – I took the information of the WAP NZ site. They haven’t updated it with any changes.