Home Notices To my blog subscribers

To my blog subscribers


Hi all,

I’ve just changed blog hosts, and unfortunately we couldn’t shift subscribers across.

So – if you would like to continue to as a subscriber to receive new posts via email – please sign up again. And to follow this blog, just click the ‘follow’ button at right.

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Sorry about the inconvenience.



And to entertain you (or gross you out?) with a ‘what the..?’ … here is a photo of the most unusual thing that has happened to me recently. While investigating why the grill would not light – I found this poor wee mouse lodged tight in a little hole where the spark comes from. I imagine it was trying to escape the cat, and the grill happened to be open, so it leapt up the shelves and into the grill for a quick escape.




  1. Haha.. ew. I’m sure that’s totally paleolithic to have rodents trying to get into your food… 😉

    I found a mouldy caterpillar in the water tank of my coffee machine. God knows how long it had been there, must have fallen off my sleeve one day when I was topping up. Ugh.

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