Home Supplements Examine.com Supplement Goals Reference Guide $10.00 off until midnight Friday 8th Nov.

Examine.com Supplement Goals Reference Guide $10.00 off until midnight Friday 8th Nov.


supplement guide (2)I’ve been using Examine.com for some time to check what the studies really say about supplements, not just what the supplement companies hype says. I have found the information incredibly useful and frequently send links to clients who have questions about what a certain supplement might do for their health condition. The list of supplements is huge and the number of studies (20,000 peer reviewed)  these guys have looked at and referenced is mind boggling.

Now Examine.com have put all the charts and graphs into a new reference book, in a format that is really easy to get the information in a compact understandable way.

To celebrate the fact that they are now completely independent, that is they receive NO funding at all from sales of supplements through links to Amazon, AND they have taken on additional highly qualified research and writing staff, Examine.com are offering their Reference Guide for just $29.00 instead of the usual $39.00. For more information and to purchase click here: The Supplement-Goals Reference Guide

Here’s what they say about themselves and their product The Supplement-Goals Reference Guide:

“If you’ve found this page, then you’re probably looking to find out the truth about supplements – which work, and which don’t. You know that supplements can help, but you don’t know who to trust. Everywhere you turn, you’re overwhelmed with companies promising you the latest and the greatest.

For the past two and a half years, we’ve been trudging through thousands and thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies so that we can thoroughly understand supplements. Having analyzed over 25,000 individual studies, we’ve come to learn what works (and what doesn’t).

Now, before we go any further, it’s important to note: we are NOT here to sell you supplements. We don’t own a line of supplements that we will steer you towards.

Beyond that, we’re not in cahoots with anyone that does. In fact, we make NO brand recommendations. We make NO product recommendations. All we do is make sense of scientific research on supplementation and nutrition.

We’ve been compiling this research for a long time, and our Supplement-Goals Reference Guide puts it all together in an easy-to-use manner. You simply look up whichever supplement (eg “Vitamin D”) or health goal (eg “blood glucose”) you’re interested in, and you will instantly know which supplements work (and which don’t). Our guide literally solves all your supplement confusion.

Best of all, purchasing it will give you lifetime access to this PDF. Every day, at 5am, the system generates an updated PDF from the main Examine.com database. You will have the latest information always available at your finger tips.

We started 2.5 years ago hoping to bring some evidence-based analysis to the supplement space. Today, with over 15,000 visitors/day visiting our site, we believe the evidence-based approach is catching on. And our Supplement-Goals Reference Guide is the easiest way to look up evidence-based supplement information.

We’re affecting change in the supplement industry, and we are extremely thankful for everyone’s support as we continue our research.

Get the The Supplement-Goals Reference Guide now. It will help you save time, money, and help you achieve your health goals.”

So before you run off and buy the latest supplement touted by a company – check this guide to see if it is necessary and does what it says it will do.

I highly recommend this guide, I use it daily and it is particularly useful in that it is updated daily as new studies are added. You can get it HERE for the discount price of $29.00 (US) usually $39.00 until midnight Friday 8th November.




  1. Is the Supplement Goals Reference Guide still available at the $10 price and is this the paperback version or the Kindle version?

    I am interested in the Paperback version as the pictures shows, but noticed this was posted in 2013.

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